best medical store in bhilai



what is self care?
In Bhilai, when it comes to self-care, many rely on Jain Medicose as the best medical store. Self-care involves doing whatever makes you feel happy, contributing to both your physical and mental well-being. So, finding a reliable source like Jain Medicose is crucial for self-care medical needs.

types of selfcare are:-

1.Physical- physical self care involves taking care of your external body includes proper sleep, body movements and excercise.

2. Mental – mental healthcare is the most important aspect to one’s life. it starts with to give ourself some time, space and make sure to do things that makes us happy from internally.

3.Emotional – emotional self care is to understand our own feelings and emotions.

10 ways to practice self-care are:-

1. Get proper sleep of eight hours a day – getting proper sleep plays an important role, it calms our body and mind from the day to day stress of the life.

2. Balanced and Nutritious diet- it’s very important to consume nutrients for the proper working and growth of the body, and if it doesn’t get proper diet then you’ll start to feel week and drowsy.

3.Walking – walking is so under rates as everybody has stopped going for a walk for their physical health.

4. listening to music – music calms our mind and body completely. it instantly enhance and change the mood of the person.

5. Meditation and Yoga – meditation keeps you healthy in both perspective physical as well as mentally, meditation helps you to concentrate and focus on things.

6. Meet new people or friend – meeting to new people or friends makes you know more about you and makes your mind relax, you forgot all your problems dor sometimes.

7. Spend time with your family – every individual should atleast 10 mins a day to spend time with their loved ones.

8. Maintain a routine -everyone should maintain some sort of routine in day to day life, which helps you to be more productive.

9. Time management – time management is a skill which is important for every individual to manage their daily activities properly.

10. Writing journals – start writing your thoughts, it’s better to write then to remember. this will also help you with memory

Jain Medicose

healthy you, happy you

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